Fortis and its new ownership and future outlook

Fortis and its new ownership and future outlook

Dear readers,

here is an update from Fortis about their future outlook.

Fortis wants to announce the new ownership of the FORTIS WATCHES AG.
Besides the new owner Mr. Jupp Philipp (top) Fortis also want to introduce the new CEO Lorenz Aebischer (bottom).

FORTIS WATCHES AG is pleased to announce that, from 1 September 2018, the traditional brand‘s continuing operation under a new leadership is secured and will also be expanded: Jupp Philipp, entrepreneur and passionate wearer of FORTIS watches, will take the reign.
In order to put this vision into practice, Mr. Philipp will bring in experienced support from the industry: Mr. Lorenz Aebischer (previously working for renowned brands such as Auguste Reymond, Mido and Tissot) will manage FORTIS WATCHES AG
The direction is clear. The first and foremost vision: „Every customer is entitled to value preservation and it is our duty to ensure this.“ (JP) This guiding principle describes succinctly – almost philosophically – the cornerstones of the future focus and shall forever constitute the creed for all strategic and operational decisions.
Initially a precise analysis and strategy development with all of its components will be in the foreground. „Of course, it should be clear to everyone that such a process will take its time. Nevertheless we will immediately get together on 1 September and start to work on the individual topics over the coming months as a team. It will take some time to create the foundations, organise the FORTIS network and make everyone believe in the guiding principle.“ (LA) 

(Fortis press release)

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